TJ and Warwick have taken a bare 100 acre paddock, their spirit and creativity and over the space of 10 years built this place bit by bit.
They are the heart and soul, they are relaxed, genuine, passionate and amazing with people.
It’s more than just Camels, despite them being a fascinating animal with an Australian history, this place is full of diversity, there’s hidden animals all over, amazing onsite made camel gelato, humpagoto’s (coffee over gelato), off grid power systems, future ideas and plans.
What makes this place is TJ and Warwick, their passion oozes through, their authentic, full of intriguing stories.
TJ especially, engaged with our children in a captivating manner that instantly had them captivated by her, the type of connection that a kinder or prep teacher evokes.
The shady spots are just amazing if you have a smaller setup and can fit in there.
The 3 paddock sites are caravan park style side-by-side between Harley the pony and 3 Pygmy goats. They are generously sized 7-8m wide and long as you like.
The people it attracted to stay and a number of those who come for the camel milking and baby feeding tour were all excited, exploring, they clearly had a great experience.
It is a memorable place that our family will recall in years to come. I think that during future travels, if we end up within a 500km radius, we will be compelled to return.
Wishing you the best in business and that Cameliscious continues to evolve and flourish in years to come