There is over 8 miles of traffic free riding to be had on Angel Island. Biking is our recommended mode of transportation around the island and if you don’t have your own, you can rent one !
Why not boat into camp? Ayala Cove has “the largest public docks and moorings on the bay.” It’s a great way to explore the island and it is well protected. Just remember, it’s on a first come first served basis, so make sure to do your research beforehand.
Angel Island has some pretty decent pier fishing. The pier is located in Ayala Cove towards the north end of the island. There are brown rock fish, staghorn sculpin, and perch to be had. For more information check in with our amigos at Pier Fishing.
If you like to summit, check out the trail to the top of Mt. Livermore. You won’t regret the climb as you’ll be rewarded with 360-degree panoramic views of the surrounding Bay Area. You can read more about this hike and others on the island here.
There is a lot of great kayaking to be had in the Bay, however, rip currents can be very strong. A paddle out to Angel Island requires some experience, so we recommend you contact the pros for advice and rentals. Island paddling right outside of San Francisco? Yep!
Angel Island also features some excellent swimming. Quarry Beach is one the best kept secrets of the island, and it’s only a 25 minute walk from the ferry. The beach boasts gorgeous sand and a postcard view of San Francisco and the Bay Bridge.
So chances are, when you think of deer, you don’t think, “amazing swimmers”. But they, along with racoons(!), have made the trip from the mainland to Angel Island, and are the only large land mammals in the area. Harbor seals and California sea lions also enjoy soaking up the sun on the rocks. Birdwatchers can catch glimpses of hummingbirds, flickers, hawks, owls all over the island, and, near the coves, egrets, grebes, blue herons, and brown pelicans.