Great host, great campsite!
Had a fantastic, although short, overnight at Jackie's Star Child site. Even though my itinerary meant I arrived very late (11pm?), Jackie met me and led me back to the site and showed me where everything was. Nice fire ring and privy at the site. Heard coyotes around midnight and again very close at about 2:30, then when I first got out of the tent at dawn, there was one standing about 25 yards checking me out! Didn't have time to reach back in for the phone to take a picture before she turned and padded off down one of the trails. What a perfect way to start the day! I broke camp and headed about half an hour north to backpack the NCT/Jordan Valley Pathway. Thought I left a section of tent pole behind (I didn't, just hid it on myself while packing up) and Jackie graciously took the time to go out to the site and see if she could spot it. Looks like there are lots of mowed trails on Jackie's property for walking, and I did see some fresh bear scat too!