Urban Living Does Have Some Risks
33 ft Class A · With kids
While I had no issues with the RV site itself. I think it is important to add context to all the positive reviews which I have no doubt our genuine but are reviews from the prospective of adults who understand and accept the risk inherent in staying a block from one the most dangerous street in Denver, Colfax Ave. Just Google "Murders Colfax Denver" and it is a monthly occurrence. If you have children below 16, it would absolutely be irresponsible to camp or bring your RV here. In all honesty even as an adult leaving the padlocked gate after dark is at your own risk. My 4 year old son and I left after 3 straights nights of gun fire and sirens flying by on 14th Ave. constantly. While the site does offer some security measures, which are appreciated, none of them will stop a stray bullet. As far as any interaction with the host I was handed the keys to the padlock gate by Don and that was it. No further instructions. Not a single follow up except to tell me it is my responsibility to make sure I don't let the garden house hooked to my RV freeze and to haul into my RV to keep it warm. At the end of the day it is all perspective and context and how you will feel about this site. Nonetheless I think it would responsible of the host to inform out of town guests the risk inherent with camping in an area that for years as been one of the highest crime areas in Denver.