1 site · RV, Tent60 acres · Blairs Mills, PALet your children and dogs roam free without a leash. This property is remote and private. There are no neighbors nearby.
This location is;
twenty minutes north of I-76 Turnpike Willow Hill Exit
forty-five minutes from Raystown Lake
one hour and thirty minutes north of Gettysburg
one hour and thirty minutes south of PSU
three hours east of Pittsburgh
three hours west of Philadelphia
five hours west of NYC
There is some cell service, but it is limited. Can you hear me now? Be sure to save site information on your phone before you leave, in case you lose cell-service. This is not Alaska, but it is not a KOA campground, either. We recommend you print of bring a paper map. Your GPS will not bring you to the exact driveway location. You need to be personally observant.
This is the top of a mountain ridge. The access lane is steep, rocky, and has water erosion ditches you must drive over. Do not attempt this if you have a low profile car or a new/fragile camper. 4WD/AWD is highly recommended. Low profile and fancy cars are not recommended. This is not Alaska, but it is not a paved KOA campground, either. This camping site is for those who want to live ruggedly like Lewis & Clark, or Teddy Roosevelt. It is NOT for those who like their campground to be like The Villages of Florida where everything is flat, paved over, and you drive golf carts.
This location is in a mix of farmland and mountain Appalachia. You will see common species such as chipmunks, squirrels turkey and deer. Many bird species. There are also porcupines, skunks, and black snakes around. You may also see black bear - it is rare, but possible. You are visiting wildlife species in their natural habitat. Please be self-aware of your own level comfort with wildlife. Once again, this is not an RVs park where you will socialize with a hundred other campers. This is primitive and isolated. This is an ideal camping spot if you want to escape from people.
Nearby is the Tuscarora Creek which is excellent for trout fishing. The Tuscarora has a small but lovely window for kayaking from mid-March through the end of May. Please contact the host if you would like help to plan some paddle logistics.
Twenty minutes south is Big Spring State Park which has an abandoned RR tunnel form the late 1800s.
Forty-five minutes away is the 1,000 steps near Mt. Union which is part of the Standing Stone Trail that runs from Cowan’s Gap State Park to PSU. The Steps provides and amazing view of the Juniata River, and is a strenuous heart work-out. If you are interested in historic trains, East Broad Top Railroad is in Mt. Union.
If members of your party would like a more pampered camping experience that includes real beds and hot showers, there is an adjoining property for rent on air b and b. Google search for The Crowe's Lounge.