Ouachita (Wash-i-taw) On My Mind
35 ft fifth wheel
What a great experience on the Ouachita River. The site is easy to back into and level, sitting above the river and his dock. Brandon, our host, sent several messages to ensure we had everything we would need prior to arrival, including spot on directions. He arrived shortly after we had set up, again checking to see if we had everything we needed. He even invited us to his company crawdad boil the following night held at the dock. We did take advantage of the invitation and met his wife, Mom and Dad, and several of is employees, who taught how to crack open a crawdad and eat the meat. They were great hosts, and even if the site was questionable ( it wasn't at all) we would return simply because Brandon is such an awesome host. Again, what a great experience. We could not ask for a better time!