To start Bert is a true MVP. Our car died and Bert went above and beyond to help us and put so much of his personal time aside just because of the true gem he is and happily saved our butts! We live 3 hours away and no family here to lug us, our dog and all our camping crap home if we needed it. Couldn’t have fixed it without him and we are very appreciative. It truly saved our weekend and we ended up having the best time. Their goal is to make sure you are happy and it shows! There is nothing that compares to falling asleep with the sound of waves. The view is tranquil and so lovely. Sunrise was gorgeous and the stars were spectacular. The shore is sandy and warm even for September. Though I think we got lucky. No toilets as we knew but just get yourself a luggable loo if tenting! $49 at Canadian Tire but $29 at Princess Auto 😉 They do supply wood for a fee which was so helpful and I believe non drinkable water for dishes and such.
This is the kind of place you go to where you ensure to respect the land and the folks who care for it. It was a privilege to basket in the beauty of the shoreline. Thank you!!