Zero communication or amenities
16 ft car · With pets
Despite multiple text, phone call voicemails, and hip camp messages attempted I was unable to reach my host before, during or after check in. Check in was listed at 12pm, my first attempt was at 5pm… This caused me to be unable to use the facilities listed including bathroom, showers, WiFi, etc. This was a huge detriment to my stay and overall trip. I had nowhere else to go on such short notice so I stayed on site without any of the amenities listed, and the main reason I chose this spot. The host finally texted me back after over 4 hours from the original correspondence and I was already asleep. I attempted the bathroom code when I woke up in the morning which didn’t work. I texted the host and she took almost 3 hours to get back to me. I had already left the site 2.5 hours earlier. Unacceptable.