First the good things: there was water available via a spigot and garden hose, also the tent site was level, no rocks, and had about 80% grass coverage. The tent site had some shade from short , brush like trees. .
Now the negatives:
-this is NOT a campground contrary to the name of the place “Uinta Springs Campground’, I saw neither springs nor a campground,, what it is , is a private residence with a big yard, and the ‘camp’ area is at the edge of the yard next to a horse pasture fence. Also I had trouble using the directions to find the place,, I thought it was unusual that the next door neighbor, 100 yards away, had no idea where ‘Uinta Springs campground’ was and never heard of it.
- a ‘ports-potty’ was available. I used it once and was stung by one of the wasps inside. The wasp nest is inside the porta-potty , a small blue box at waist level just inside the door has the wasp nest with what looked like 20 wasps
- the ‘host’ (possibly owner of the residence) said upon my arrival ’Oh your early’,, it was about 4:30pm, and then ‘I am getting ready to start a ceremony’. So immediately I felt like I was intruding. The ceremony appeared to me to be a Native American sweat lodge ceremony. A fire for heating rocks and sweat-lodge were next to the area of my camp,,,, I felt like an intruder and very uncomfortable for the two or three hours the ceremony was held. I tried hard to not disturb the ceremony.
I was thankful for a place to put my tent ,,, but it was an uncomfortable situation due to being so near the ‘ceremony’. The physical condition of the camp warrants a rating of 2 stars out of 5. I won’t be going back. I will not recommend this ‘Campround’ to anyone.