Solid place to crash for a night...
16 ft car
Pulled in pretty late but nevertheless was greeted firstly by a rather exuberant German Shepard that was off-leash, shortly later the host. The dog is completely harmless but I was worried about her running in front of the truck; proceed slowly IMHO.
Campsite is primarily designed for tent campers offering a large ring of pea gravel under shade sails on guy wires strung across some trees that have been topped - read safe, no widow makers to fall on you. There's an area off to the right large enough for a full size truck or a camper van and that's where we camped. There's a porta-potty which was plenty clean enough and a trail that leads to a picnic table. There's a trash and recycling can which makes disposing of waste easy, no need to worry about packing it out.
The camp is aptly named, it's a rest stop it doesn't really offer anything more of interest; it's a place to crash for the night no more no less. You'll hear some barking dogs in the distance (not on their property) at night but nothing annoying and in the morning you'll likely hear some roosters crowing; it's your typical farm area stuff and if it bothers you I doubt you do much camping. Didn't note any bad bug issues, usual moths and crane flies, if there were mosquitos it wasn't much.
Never interacted with the hosts again after the initial instructions on where to put the truck, just packed up and drove out the gate easy peasy!