Camp area on private 5 acre property backing onto bush land.
*Advanced booking essential - phone or text ahead
*Offering shady camp sites for $15 a night no minimum stay. Cash preferred.
*Limited sites to avoid over crowding and offer privacy to campers.
*Flat terrain making for easy set up.
*Must have own toilet & shower facilities.
Howard springs reserve is 5mins away with free public toilet and swimming facilities.
*No power but generators welcome.
*Open fire pits available with plenty of fire wood to stock your wood box.
*Chickens appreciate any food scraps in return for fresh eggs
*Fresh water available on request.
*Rubbish bin available.
*Please note, two friendly kelpie dogs roam the property.
Howard Springs IGA, pub, post office, hairdresser, bakery and mechanic 1km away.
8 minute drive or bike ride (short cut along bike track) from Coolalinga shopping centre, 12 minute drive to Palmerston city and 25 minute drive to Darwin city.
Day trip proximity to Territory Wildlife Park, Berry Springs, Howard Springs Reserve, Purple Mango Cafe, Windows to the Wetlands, Jumping crocodiles and more.
Property owners have good local knowledge and happy to offer advice when planning your trip to the top end.