Hideaway at Deal Island is located in Somerset County, MD about 50 minutes outside Ocean City, MD. We are one of the last private lots right before the entrance to Deal Island wildlife management area.
The 13,000 acre property also contains forested wetlands and a 2,800-acre man-made pond or "impoundment." The water insects and crustaceans, as well as the abundance of wigeongrass, horned pondweed and other favorite waterfowl foods makes Deal Island one of the best places in Maryland to watch, photograph and hunt ducks and geese.
Special Areas
A 2,800-acre impoundment has been created in the tidal wetlands (small jon boat, canoe, kayak, or chest waders are recommended).
The southeastern corner of the impoundment, totaling 800 acres, is designated as a waterfowl refuge and is closed to hunting.
3,426 acres of Deal Island WMA has been designated part of the MD National Estuarine Research Reserve System.