Eclectic, With a Side of Breezy!
This was a very cool place to camp at. The spot for the tent is nice and soft, so the spikes set easily. It’s also great for sleeping on with the absence of rocks to dig into your kidney when you roll over.
The property is eclectic. Old trailers, bottles, and random stuff all around the property to poke around in, respectfully of course, and to gather inspiration from. The toilet is outside, in this little mud hut with no roof. Toilets are rarely a highlight of any property, but when you’re staring up at the blue skies or bright stars set against a field of black while “pondering life’s mysteries,” there is simply nothing better. Fair warning, a pup may come give you company.
The property is laid up against a river bed. Had I had more time here, I would’ve gone for longer excursions and explored more, but I had to get to bed to be up and out early.
The owner likes to greet her guests with their pack of dogs (3). Two came back to visit me, albeit one was stand-offish and liked to just bark. The owner will introduce them.
All in all, I absolutely loved the property and it’s random vibe. I would absolutely go back to explore some more and, if possible, chat with the owners to find out more about the property.