* Eden Gardens Kauai is minutes from the NA PALI COAST
* The fabled Na Pali Coast: majestic emerald green mountains with 3000 foot waterfalls cascading down into azure water - heaven .
* Kauai's North Shore is considered by many to be a paradise. Pristine white beaches, gorgeous hikes through the jungle, you can really feel as though you are stepping back in time and certainly out of modern day life.
* We have been blessed to live on this beautiful 9 acre parcel for a few years now; the property has a stream flowing through the back and stunning African Tulip trees grace the skyline. We often awake to Rainbows. Our closest beaches are Anini beach and Secret beach, both gorgeous.
* We decided to open up our home with others a couple of years ago and now there is a small community living here enjoying sustainable living in eco homes, growing organic food and fruits. Cocos abound. So do Avocadoes.
* Relaz under a tree at Anini beach, hike the Na Pali Coast, visit Waimea Canyon or just come and "talk story" with the locals.
Life is good. Pace is slow...... breathe, relax, enjoy Come and experience the ALOHA Spirit at Eden Gardens KAUAI